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Hoerner, Dr. Earl

Birth Year: 1922

Hometown: Livingston, NJ

Died: 6/10/2006

Hoerner, Dr. Earl

Reprinted (with minor edits) from the 1976 Livingston Hockey Club Program

In the early 1960s, Doc Hoerner had a dream of putting together a youth hockey program to supplement the high school sport, which had been inaugurated in the late fifties. Through his diligence, persuasiveness, hard work and financial backing, the boys took the ice for their first practice in the Fall of 1965. Lending some degree of moral support were Frank Evans, Jim Measday, Charlie Perna and Julie Levin. But foremost in all ways was

Doc, a man who throughout his professional, Church, Little League, and Boy Scout leadership has always expressed and lived a firm belief in young people.

A year later the Livingston Peewees earned their way to the AHAUS National Tournament in Michigan and accorded themselves in fine fashion with two wins, a tie and two losses against the best in the country. One of the forwards is now finishing medical school; a center manages a steel distributorship; a goaler is a college professor, and all the other little Peewees are now fine young adults - perhaps the greatest testimony that can

be given to a man of Doc's foresight and energies.

Subsequently, he founded the…

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