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Team Crests
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1971-74 Newark/Bergen Brewers
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1975 New Jersey Rockets
Contributor: Jeff Krakower

1975- Shore Points Hockey Club
Contributor: Rick Katz

1975-76 Garden State Hockey Club
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1975-79 Livingston Hockey Club
Contributor: Ben Leuzzi

1975-82 New Jersey Golden Blades
Contributor: Ben Leuzzi

1976 Ironbound Hockey Club
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1976-78 Garden State Hockey Club
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1976-81 New Jersey Northstars
Contributor: Scott Williams

1977 Monmouth Hawks
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1978 Essex County Chiefs
Contributor: Chris Ohlweiler

1978-80 Garden State Rockets
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1979 Brick Hockey Club
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1979-80 Essex County Chiefs
Contributor: Dave Millar

1983 Little Devils Youth Hockey
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1983-87 Essex County Chiefs
Contributor: Frank DiMarco, Jr.

1984 Garden State Games
Contributor: Jeff Krakower

1984-86 Olympic Stars
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1985-2004 Westfield High School
Contributor: John Ryan Burnham

1987 Jersey City Capitals
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1987-92 Montclair Blues
Contributor: Matthew Maniscalco

1989 New Jersey Devils Youth
Contributor: Jim Szymanski

1990 The Peddie School
Contributor: Jason Buchanan
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