Do you have New Jersey ice hockey artifacts; photos, jerseys, jackets, programs, stuff tucked away in your attic, basement or closet? Please consider submitting your artifacts for all to see and share. There's no telling how your simple act of kindness may impact another's life.
On occasion, hockey old timer spouses, siblings and children have contacted us asking if we might have something in the archive - maybe a photo when their husband, brother or dad was a youngster. It might be for a special birthday, or sadly the only connection they may have to the past after his demise. Think of the smiles when we're able to fulfill these requests.
NJHH derives no financial benefit from hosting this site. We do it solely for the benefit of you and others, giving all a glimpse into New Jersey's amateur hockey past.
Review the submission guidelines, then use the form below to tell us what you have. We'll get back to you with instructions on how to submit archives or mail them to us so they can be properly scanned and formatted (all submissions will be handled with care and returned promptly after scanning).​
You can use the form to request information about a specific artifact or to request a transparent PNG file of any image from the Gallery. ​

Please note the following guidelines:
-Images or documents must be related to players, teams and events prior to January 1, 2001. We may choose to expand the dateline in the future, though for now this site will be limited to events from the 20th century.
-All photo images should be clear, high-resolution scans, saved in JPG format. 300dpi minimum - 600dpi preferred. Taking a photo of a photo with your smartphone will not be accepted. If you don't have the ability to scan original photos, you can send them to us, and we'd be happy to scan them for you.
-Team photos can be color or black and white. Photos must be accompanied by the season, name of organization, and age level.
-Player photos must be posable position, like a baseball card. All of the above criteria for team photos applies, with the addition of your full name. Individuals MAY ONLY submit their own player images.
NOTE: If you don't have the capability to scan photos properly, you can mail them to us, and we will carefully scan and return the original photos via First Class Mail. Contact us using the form to the left for more information on submitting documents.
-Team jerseys and jackets may be submitted as good, clear photos using a high-resolution setting on your camera or phone. It's recommended to submit photos of both the front and back of the garment. It's best to take straight overhead photos, with the sleeves folded in. You can browse the Team Jersey & Jackets Gallery for examples. The background area should be white or a light color. Placing the garment on a light tile floor or white sheet works best. Team crests/logos may be submitted as a good, closeup photo of the front of a jersey. Allow at least two inches of jersey area beyond the crest in the photo. Try to get the crest/logo as flat as possible to remove distortion in the image.
-Patches & pins may be submitted as individual photos, or in a group. The patches/pins should be photographed against a light surface - like a piece of white printer paper. A short description identifying each patch/pin is required. Shiny pins have a tendency to create glare. Take straight or slightly angled overhead shots - moving the camera a bit to minimize glare. If you get too close to the object you're photographing, it could blur the image. Make sure your photos are crisp and clear before submitting
- Odds & Ends can be submitted as individual photos or high-resolution scans, using the same guidelines indicated above. They can include posters, pennants, off-ice group photos of players, bumper stickers - most anything related to New Jersey amateur hockey from the 20th century. Browse the Gallery for examples.
- All Club and Tournament Programs, or other multi-page documents must be mailed/submitted to NJ Hockey History for scanning. There are several critical steps involved that can't be easily described. Scanned images will be cleaned and tweaked to the best of our 2024 abilities. All documents will be handled with the greatest of care and returned promptly via Priority Mail.
NOTE: Several contributors have chosen to send us their entire collection; jerseys, programs, patches & pins, team photos and anything else worthy of displaying in the archive. We're happy to photograph/scan and catalog all the artifacts and return them to you safely and promptly via Priority Mail. Contact us using the form to the left for more information on submissions.
-All submissions will have a "Contributed by" with your name added to the archived image, acknowledging your contribution.