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2019 Reunion
The First 20th Century New Jersey Hockey Reunion was an epic event. Bringing together players, parents, coaches, administrators, officials and many of the Legends who helped to make it all possible for thousands of youngsters over several decades in the last century. It was a chance to say hello to all, thank you to many, and sadly... goodbye to some. The memories from that evening will remain embedded forever in the minds of all who attended.
Reunion 2025 is here!
Register on our site to receive THR Blog Reunion 2025 updates and other news. Go to our Reunion 2025 page for more information and to purchase your ticket. It's going to be awesome!

Attendee Quotes & Comments

An event for the ages!
On Friday, October 18, 2019, more than 160 of New Jersey hockey’s finest gathered together in West Orange, NJ for a very special evening. This video compilation endeavors to capture the mood and feelings of those who attended; through photos, video clips and quotes.
Runtime: 38 minutes

Priceless Memories
While photos can't possibly capture the vibe in the room that evening, they do provide a sense of what everyone was feeling. An amazing night indeed.

Old Timers Game
What would a hockey reunion be without some old timers getting back on the ice? Fun was had by all, as if they were playing PeeWee hockey again.
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