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Reunion 2025 is Not a Rumor. It's Real!

Updated: Mar 1

On this five-year anniversary of the First 20th Century New Jersey Hockey Reunion, I'm excited to finally announce the sequel.


A venue has been reserved, a committee has been formed and plans are underway for the Second 20th Century New Jersey Hockey Reunion, in conjunction with the New Jersey Golden Blades 50th Anniversary celebration.

The First Reunion was epic - something that will never be duplicated. This Second Reunion will be awesome! A coming together of our entire hockey community for one very special night. The event is open to anyone associated with New Jersey amateur hockey, born prior to January 1, 2001 (guests of attendees can be any age). Players, coaches, managers, officials, instructors, administrators… even trainers are all welcome to attend.


Head on over to the Reunion 2019 page to add your name to our mailing list.


Now's the time to start clearing schedules, making plans for travel to visit friends and family in New Jersey next Fall - adding Reunion 2025 to your calendar. It's also time to start talking to your friends and former teammates about organizing your own mini reunion within this larger event, securing a table for your group.


Subscribe to our blog to stay updated on all the Reunion 2025 news. Please email, call or message your hockey friends and tell them about Reunion 2025. The number one reason people told me they didn't attend the First Reunion was because they didn't know about it. WE CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN! Everyone has the option to choose, though everyone deserves to be informed, so they have the opportunity to make that choice.


If you're planning to attend, or think you'll likely attend, please complete the questionnaire below. It will help the committee determine whether to commit to a larger room to accommodate a bigger crowd. We don't want anyone to be locked out.


Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all in 364 days.


P.S. We're working on a Second Old Timers Game. More to follow.

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If you haven't done so already, add your name to our Mailing List. We'll send you an invitation to Reunion 2025 in the Spring.

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