Welcome to the NJHH Gallery. Like a museum, the Gallery consists of nine Exhibit areas or Collections encompassing everything from Team Photos to Odds & Ends. You can view any Collection by hovering over the Gallery tab at the top of the screen to reveal the list.
Before you begin exploring for the first time read the tips and instructions below to better understand how to navigate each Collection and learn how to download anything in the archive.
With your help, we want to make the NJHH Gallery the one-stop-source for all things related to New Jersey hockey history. Dig out those old artifacts you have stored away or displayed up on your wall and share them for all to see. It's the right thing to do.

Click any Gallery link to start exploring a Collection. Each artifact is displayed in a box including the title, image, contributor and any additional information. The Collections are sorted (mostly) by year to simplify your browsing experience. To see an expanded view of any image (except for Programs & PDF Documents) click the image. Click the X in the upper right corner of the screen to return to the Collection. If you would like to print or save the image to your phone/computer, click Go to link at the bottom/middle of the screen. This will open a separate browser tab featuring the selected image. You can print the image or right click to magnify or select "Save image as" to save to your phone/computer. It's easy.
Programs (PDF files) and PDF Documents Collections are a bit different. When you click on an image (a photo of the front page of the program or document) in the Collection, the PDF file will load into your browser. You can view the PDF file page by page, save it to your phone/computer or print the file. As some of these files are huge - 50 to 200MB, and can be nearly 100 pages, use caution when saving or printing. The file size for each PDF file is listed in the Collection box.

This site has a robust search tool that will surface most anything you're trying to find. Use these guidelines to optimize your search results. If your name is "Jim Skywalker", leave off the "jim" and only search for "skywalker" (without the double quotes). Otherwise, your search results will include every reference to Jim in our extensive database. Or, you can try searching "skywalker jim", which should surface the references to skywalker at the top of the search page. Likewise, if searching for 1980-81 Rockets stuff, enter rockets 1980-81, which will surface the most relevant info at the top of the page.

When you click a link on the Search page, a large view of the artifact will open. The same guidelines as above apply. Click the image for a full screen view. Click X in the upper right corner to return to the Collection. Click Go to link to magnify, download or print.
While on the Collection page for the artifact you selected, you can use the Next & Previous buttons to move forward or back through the Collection. To return to the Search Results page, click the Back button.
Help Us Fill in the Blanks
We have added thousands of names to the dataset from program rosters, player statistics and personal memory to make this search tool as complete as possible. Though, there are more than a thousand nameless faces in our Team Photos Collection. Can you help us fill in the blanks? It could help others - maybe the child of a loved one find a photo they didn't know existed.
If you can identify the faces of a good bunch of players in any of the Team Photos in the Collection, please use the form below to tell us about it. Only provide names if you're 100% certain of the person and the spelling of their name. Please don't use the form to submit only one or two names. We all have day jobs and maintaining this site is a lot of (volunteer) work.
Enter your results as FRONT ROW; Name1, Name2, Name3, etc. MIDDLE ROW: Name 1, Name 2, Name3, and so on - reading from left to right. If you're not sure of a few names in a photo, no worries. Use an example like this; Darth Vader, Yoda, BLANK, Luke Skywalker - entering the word BLANK as a placeholder in the row of names. Displaying most of the names is much better than none. Please provide your email address should we have any questions. Thank you for your help.